28 October 2007

Bowlin' n strikin'

Today Me and Frens was going to KaHong, Bowling Spot, in one of dark building around Tunjungan..why i called dark- hmm just feel that the ambience sort of smell like prostitute...or sumthing... hmm dunnO la.. But the bowling spot, not like that la... Me,Miss Lyd,Miss Jen,Miss MbOte, and on the backgrounD Mr Zai.. Hihihi

Mr.Ho Was picking me up lil bit late, but its oK, bcoz i was actually didn;t ready yet... then We picked Miss MbotE.. and then Mr. Ho' secret guest.. hahaha.. he said this one was his Girl, Me and Miss mBote figured out Who is she.... we had no idea... but finally we find out that this one is his close frens Mr Wils... wakaka.... And then After got Mr. Wils We got Miss Jen.. Then ride on To KaHong..

At KAhoNg We Met another mate.. Like Miss Lyd,Mr. Zai, Mr KeLv, Mr. Yud, Mr Rud And PArtneR, Mr HAn minus his Partner,Mr. YouNg And Mr. Tonk.. but this week there is no sipera .. she was flied to bandung for family's marriage...miss you..

Anyway..we were so much fun.. then i realised that there was a gap in the our skills...some people get 3 or 4 strike sequently... but. there's a people had also 3 or 4 sequently but hadn't break any pins.. huhuhuhww. whyyy...? we're all amateur right.. no ones in pro..

is there someone who were born to Strike?

i think thats a gift or talent....

I was played bit mess.. got my ball jump up on the floor.. like in basketball..fieuuw Mr. Han fraid about that ball hit and crash the floor..

haha whatever la.... i Don;t really care bout points just having fun There..

Smiles,Laughs and stupidity before fly to changi this monday....

I'm Gonna MissIng You guyS....



24 October 2007


I was Thinking..
Time has gone by...
Never thought could be this far..
Everybodys changing and Thing will never be the same..
We were Lover but now we can't stand each other
But More Than That...

Life Goes On...
Heart Still beat..
And from the deepest of it, I realized that..
Loving Is all about Learning
I've Learnt Much than I could ever thought
That Day was the beginning of greatest project to understand the word of 'loving'..
Even we should scratch the wounds.. and wipe the tears..
But Thanks God For Give Us a little chance for making us wiser...
and bring the best life for u and me...
Thats not important everything has finished..
the Most important is everything has done right...

~ALWAYS...Best wishes For u~



20 October 2007

oPen Air Garden At EatRo

Here's the new pOse...

ANother New Pose..

Guk Guk..PuppY StyLe

we Found New gooD place for taking Pics.. at Eat ro, Citraraya.. they have open air area.. at roof.. where you can see Stars and Moon...hmm...and it's sorrounded by mini artificial waterfall.
Nice Place.. But I THInk The Foods was just ordinary la..

Miss Jen, Miss V, and Me
Me, Miss V, Miss Eve, Miss Jen, Miss Au, MiS NyiT
Kiss Kiss Kiss
RAbbiT StyLE

At AquariUmm from ToP
Another shoot from Top

Another Shoot from bottom.taken By Mr Vin

Friends, companions, lovers, are those who treat us in terms of our unlimited worth to ourselves. They are closest to us who best understand what life means to us, who feel for us as we feel for ourselves, who are bound to us in triumph and disaster, who break the spell of our loneliness.Henry Alonzo Myers.

ThaNkz Friends.. for always put every Smile in me....


14 October 2007

Feels like HOme

hmm Finally after all these months.. im back home..
and happily mom and bro back home too..
so we spend all day together..
i spent all these days by lying on bed..
got long nap all day longg...huhuhuww
actually i'm just already miss my friends.. ooww..
hopee you guys hav a great holiday at bali..
i'm waiting for the new bikinis from bali..hahahha

09 October 2007

My New DVDs Series

herE's my new DvDs consumption..

The Hills... Thought I can Save it, for killing time while in Hometown

But. i don't think so...i've watched 3 out of 4 discs..huhuhuw.

its kinda cool story.. glam clothes..

Its so Me...loVe it..

well, its gives me lots of inspiration, that any real life could be a big drama series ..

Fall in love, hang in together, get all romantic moments, and then realised the differences..

try to hang on.. but feel tired... and then Broke uP..

well thats the cycle... but one thing that we should never ever forget..

liFes Goes On, lifes keeps going on..

soo.. girls, how hurt you are.. how bad he breaks your hearts.

just keeps on going...time will reveals.. and

Love must be... come over you again...

because 'love is.. not a maybe thing'...



08 October 2007

Sidian n Sipera

AFter WatChed BArt SimPsoN @ GelatO BAr
We'Re pretend to Be SmaRt.. Wahaha

I ThAnK To MY LuCkY Star To HaVe YoU aS

mY BesTFriEnds..



I Miss My MoM

Now,My Mom At SinGapore..

She Get Another KemoTherapy..

hoPe she's doing well with nEw Medicine..

miss you Mom..

take Care..

want To Thanks to Dr. Wong, for always be patient

to tell the medical history to my new relatives..

Wish I CoulD be There, Mom

LauNch the First Blog

Hey Its Me Dian..

This Is My First Blog..

Wish I Could share every momment

that I Have and all love that I get to all of you

MAybe Someday, all this momments will last forever..

so my grandshildren, grand grand children will have every little things

that I thought about Love And LiFe FOrever..