at zara, late night shopping TP
this is about days to christmass, after few days bit kinda busy for thesis revision, finally we thorugh to The Final Day... PROM for industrial Engineering Petra year 2004...
this is the pic before the party, at campus, last days at campus..was a bit emotionally... we should say goodbye to class, lab, canteen, parking lot... whoaaa..
mr han, was bit terrified with subject that he chose for his thesis...
its kinda unbeliaveable he could do that subject.. hmm just wish him luck..
me and miss eve, gladly take pose, for 'before party'
so after back from campus, me me miss v for checked in to mercure hotel.. so we could still hang out after the party..
here we Are.. In ProM "Sparkling Hollywood, Industrial Engineering Petra, Year 2004"

the party was a great Great Great show, laugh smiles happy proud fun bit emotionally lot of poses for pic..
then finally we should let each other go....forever...
bit sad, cos after for all these years we;vebeen together even studies or hangout..
but, finally we've been through these time that made us real different from beginning, to this time..
"as We go on We remember all the time we had together, and as our life changes come whatever we will still be friends forever"
me also, bit sad we should say goodbye to all these people, to all these momments....
but i should think wiser, cos now we're all have grown up, and be mature...
we passed these phases, and will through another phases..all will make the truth of who we are...
and finally, i should accept the great quote that i always remind everytime i met goodbye..
"friend is not always together, But Forever..."
Today, after 2 days hibernate, for recovery 'after party' at mercure..... me pick bro from jakarta...he was back home for christmass holiday...
remember the gift that he promised after my thesis court, dec 4th, he finally made it happen.. i was surprised...bcoshe was lied, that he won't me to have that, he said that too expensive la, not fit on me la bla bla bla....but...he bought it from german, wheb he was in his bussiness trip..even its not a handbag but its also from the same brand....Im so GlaD...
LOVE YOU BRO....the one and only...huhuhu
i lOVE It SO MUCHH...the Graduation Pressie.... all the strugles, paid...
thankz alot brooo...
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