it was a farewell party for mrhan, before he left for Shanghai and after the court's thesis of mr vin...
me, with usual people had stepped in to the floor since 10.30 pm, quite early actually..
then we just wait till the crowd is coming..
12.00 am
the drinks start flowing...
slrup slurp slurp...
00.45 am.
mr han start tipsying, vomiting...
followed by mr.Ban losing his spectacles..hahaha
01.00 am.
mr prem screaming he had being a "nurse"
mr vin got totally drunk, seriously...
mr han absolutely got down, and brought home by mr erico
they we're drunk fastly...
but anyway, that night the mission accomplished!!wakakaka
me?? not drunk la....fortunately hahaha..
That night was Very Fun actually...^^
@blowfish damn small toilet
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