My Cousins, IngE was coming from Balikpapan
we're just like a sista, we used to be together in childhood...
hmm.. miss her so much...we haven't got along together for along time since we're in univ...
I get her to Atom (again, I've got 2 consequence day went to atom)
and meet friends from manulife Silvi and elly
i realized the interior in ayumi was really great...
i love the chandelier light
1st spot TP
can you feel this ambience??
yeahh we hang out at Coffee bean,
actually we wanted to watch high school musical senior year
but, that movie has out from the cinema :(
so we got coffee at Coffee bean
hmmm coffee bean is one of my favourite place in sby..
i love this spot...
and ice cafelatte
then a free taking a pee plus taking pic @ sheraton toilet...

2nd SPot
Galaxy Mall
hehehe...we are putri mall...
window shopping at galaxy mall
and got a lunch-ner(lunch dinner) at Dome ( 30% discount all payment)...
fulllllyy packed....
thennn..saturday night....
hahaha.. a friend of mine invited me to come that concert
actually i don't even know their singles, just one song, 'cinta ini membunuhku'
their song so mellow yellow...:(
there were many dmassiver(dmasiv's fans) up there, and they were singing all the song fluently..and me..i just stare, and said 'lagu apaaa ini'... lol
but for fun, its okay la came to that free concert...
the girls : SilVy, Me, Elly..

then for the closing of this saturday night, we continued the party at Blowfish...
then for the closing of this saturday night, we continued the party at Blowfish...
damnn i was soooo tired for this saturday... wew...
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