11 December 2009

Bandeau inspiré par Balmain~ Headband inspired by Balmain

This is My DIY Headband inspired by Balmain and Michael Jackson

ingredients: Flanel, lots of beads u can use any favorite beads or ornament, svarovski beads to make it more Bling, lace, and black ribbon tied headband

u can express whats in your thoughts about any fashion inspirations


the source of insipirations

after the main ornaments had been done, then we can put this ornament on the plain headband
in this case, im using the black silky ribbon tied headband,

I used the back flanel

Bandeau inspiré par Balmain

1 comment:

tdw said...

News on http://daily-women.blogspot.com

New post by Mariam.B, his digital camera is break so she took photos with her mobile !
Come on and see her post :) see ya