a good friend of mine,
mine neighbour,
honestly,the one who's like my brother,
mr.ho... has left for Beijing, to study chinese...
BBQ partie @ my place
this saturday, was An Easter Day..
headed out for watching 10.000 BC
just four of us, Me, miss V, mrVin, mrprem...
then meet out miss yen, and missLia for dinner @ noodle express

then missV, accompanied me to Catedral, to celebrate easter day..
the ceremony was really stunning...the choir was Really great, and it was added with Mini Orchestra..so the violin, piano and flute made the spirit of easter really touched everyone...
and the homili from the pasteur also real inspirational....
H A P P Y E A S T E R..
The beginning of a new Life..Spread the smile happines and Love..
let the spirit of hope, happiness, and love fill our heart each in everyday...
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