30 January 2009
28 January 2009
26 January 2009
BAck From Trip, today is Chinese New Year, Welcoming The Cow Year
SOme Says that this year is best year for anyone wo was born on Tiger Year,
Yeahh Me, i was Born on Tiger Year...
New Year New Hope, May This year would be the prosperous year
I was attending Two wedding party
1st at Balikpapan,
nice town, with lot of Crabs, yeah i ate many crabs there...
here's, the wedding, Emil and Ajiang
@ Bahtera Hotel

~~~luvly ciecie and the bridesmaid
and the whole family

2nd at JAkarta
Teddy and Sarah's Wedding
@Shangrila Jakarta
so many delicious and delightful food...

~~~Teddy and Sarah Piramide Foundtain
yep..Sarah was very pretty, just like a barbie, she's Italian-Australia or sumthing.... uayu pokoke
then after that, went to other city, Singapore, again...
Glad met my cousins up there...
SOme Says that this year is best year for anyone wo was born on Tiger Year,
Yeahh Me, i was Born on Tiger Year...
New Year New Hope, May This year would be the prosperous year
I was attending Two wedding party
1st at Balikpapan,
nice town, with lot of Crabs, yeah i ate many crabs there...
here's, the wedding, Emil and Ajiang
@ Bahtera Hotel
~~~luvly ciecie and the bridesmaid
and the whole family
2nd at JAkarta
Teddy and Sarah's Wedding
@Shangrila Jakarta
so many delicious and delightful food...
~~~Teddy and Sarah Piramide Foundtain
yep..Sarah was very pretty, just like a barbie, she's Italian-Australia or sumthing.... uayu pokoke
then after that, went to other city, Singapore, again...
Glad met my cousins up there...
15 January 2009
11 January 2009
i love Weekend So much...
i had the fashion design class, from 2 pm - 5 pm
today, i was learning still about illustration, but today, i learn to colour with watercolour
it was fun, i love using watercolour, even it difficult to apply and we need lot of practice to make a good result, but the point of art in colouring by watercolour is different than using other media. Yeah i made an illustration, copied from Lacoste advertising...
hahaha Miss Angel, my teacher, did lil mistake bout giving instruction, yeah did bad for the dress...ill show u the pic later....
but anyway, i did get fun in the class, just like i travelling to the other world, and forget all the problem in mine life, Glad To find where i should belong.....
Easy to make me happy, just take me with my sketch book, water color/ pencil colour, new vogue /bazaar/ elle, 2B pencil and eraser, and drawing pen, plus ice cafe latte...
ENough baby.
For me, Thats just feel like Heaven....
i love Weekend So much...
i had the fashion design class, from 2 pm - 5 pm
today, i was learning still about illustration, but today, i learn to colour with watercolour
it was fun, i love using watercolour, even it difficult to apply and we need lot of practice to make a good result, but the point of art in colouring by watercolour is different than using other media. Yeah i made an illustration, copied from Lacoste advertising...
hahaha Miss Angel, my teacher, did lil mistake bout giving instruction, yeah did bad for the dress...ill show u the pic later....
but anyway, i did get fun in the class, just like i travelling to the other world, and forget all the problem in mine life, Glad To find where i should belong.....
Easy to make me happy, just take me with my sketch book, water color/ pencil colour, new vogue /bazaar/ elle, 2B pencil and eraser, and drawing pen, plus ice cafe latte...
ENough baby.
For me, Thats just feel like Heaven....
then saturday Night
Got iNvitation fro Lydia, celebrating her late bday
wild dinner at LAyar...
it just taste SOOO good, fully packed, sori no pic, too busy eating
kepiting telur asin hmmm..i still can smell it now, hmmm hmmm
08 January 2009
1st blog in 2009
I Knew, Its been So long, I didnt make any post
this is my 1st post for 2009
SO I want TO Say Heppy NEw YEar To ALL readers...
NEw YEar, NEw Hope..
still adjusting to make a good post, hahaha
kinda difficult to express sumthing
(pardon me, it been looong time i didnt have any mood to blog)
yeahh now i Feel better, sliding in my bed, with the lappy on my front,
and lil pouring of Black label, yes it did really help...
so continuing the story,
I spent my christmass eve at Yakobus church with my Parents,
then having late dinner at Bon Ami, kinda sick with the services,
but yeah, this was christmass eve, everywhere we went was crowded...
then the next day, we had a flight to Jakarta, Visiting my brother and Family there..
I was kinda nerve when i step down my feet on the airport,
because, you know, this city remind me bout someone whom was very important to me, and
we had so many plans in this city with him..
but that was...
everything changed and gonna be fine...
just never lost Hope, keep in faith, I know GOd Loves me...
Im sure gonna be fine
i guess the pics will tell how the christmass heal everything....
aren't They So Lovely??
My precious
we had any plans to get a house at Jakarta...
i've told u, this City so much gonna effect me so much...
we're just looking at any houses at Bumi serpong damai...
but i don't like that much, so far away from the city...
i prefer the apartment in the central city, like Kemang, or nearby Senayan city, Plaza indonesia..
then I got back from Jakarta at 29th Dec 2008, kinda hard to leave that city,
and of course left all my heart up there
But I got Sumthing which is very clear, so i had decision to get through this year...
I left my heart in The city.....
I Heart Jakarta
so then at New Year...
i spent my new year eve with Friends, yeah usual friends
we went to Tretes, At Andi Ban's place..
the member was
Me, Jenni, Andi ban- off course, Kelvin, Jengkol, Beni, Cen-cen, Haryanto, Fanni,Herry, Babong, Echa, Jintong, Wilson, Felix, Harmiko
we had sumthing bad when we were on the way there...
we got a traffiic jam, damn trafic jam
so until 11.59 , 31st dec 2008 we still on the way to villa..
so we spent the new year in the car...but we still entertained by so muchh Fireworks in the sky
very very Great, awesome, it been on and on till 1 am...
so not really bad new year, and we just got to the villa at 3 am
then continued to burn up our own Fireworks...
many stupid thing happened to cheering the new year, hahaha, off course, the drink flew away..
yeahhhhh HappY new Year...
then for the early year
got my bestie friend back from Shanghai, Hansen
been missing him around
just like the old times...
welcome stupidity..hahahahaha
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