11 January 2009

i love Weekend So much...

i had the fashion design class, from 2 pm - 5 pm
today, i was learning still about illustration, but today, i learn to colour with watercolour
it was fun, i love using watercolour, even it difficult to apply and we need lot of practice to make a good result, but the point of art in colouring by watercolour is different than using other media. Yeah i made an illustration, copied from Lacoste advertising...
hahaha Miss Angel, my teacher, did lil mistake bout giving instruction, yeah did bad for the dress...ill show u the pic later....
but anyway, i did get fun in the class, just like i travelling to the other world, and forget all the problem in mine life, Glad To find where i should belong.....

Easy to make me happy, just take me with my sketch book, water color/ pencil colour, new vogue /bazaar/ elle, 2B pencil and eraser, and drawing pen, plus ice cafe latte...
ENough baby.
For me, Thats just feel like Heaven....

then saturday Night

Got iNvitation fro Lydia, celebrating her late bday

wild dinner at LAyar...

it just taste SOOO good, fully packed, sori no pic, too busy eating

kepiting telur asin hmmm..i still can smell it now, hmmm hmmm


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