08 July 2008

pain in my back

i woke up at 9am, and felt my back bone a real painfull...
i knew its because of the sunday dancing lesson...
(yeah now I learnt Dancing with miss Lyd, still beginner.)
it caused by the 50 times sit up( me, didn't do that much la) and no matress!!!
it sure, left about 8 cm height of a scar in my back, uhm i mean 'memar' off course no pic of that guys, hahaha, private area...maybe just like you've been hit by a hard stuff and also i felt my tail bone so painful....

afternoon, i stopped by at Shangrila, to leave sumthing to my cousin. For few days, shangrila been so crowd, and made long jam...i tell you its because there's a conference about pediatrics, KONIKA,seem like such a huge event... (pediatric- a doctor whos specialist in children....) yeah my cousin is a pediatric...
and she will finish her study 2 years again....(it a promotion actually, hahaha...)

after that went out with missV and mrHo, took care my driving licence...damn it can't be done at Surabaya, i should back to home town....
So, we're going round to WTC, looking for a few things...
thanks for accompanied me today,guys^^

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