03 November 2007

A Night in Campuz

Yesterday night was a crap.Me, Miss V n Miss Eve had the risk manaGement class done, got car for back home,then we're found out that traffic was so damn crap, really bad. People need more than 1 Hour to get out from parking area.Then we decide to stay at computer room, for browsing, frenstering, blogging..etc.. after more than an hour we got out and got cars. But, not along time afta Sipera got her car.. unfortunately her car's tire was damn hit paving blocks, and it was squezee out. She's absolutely confused ...then we got our man, Mr Ho, Mr Rud, and Mr Young And Mr Aak for making the this things well, But situation was unfriendly, night had came so dark, then me, Miss eve and Miss V got Mr.Vin to help and got a lamp.And Fortunately, We Got Some Of Our Man, Mr Ho, Mr Rud, Mr Young, Mr Ak, And Mr.Vin.. Man do what they gotta Do.. finally.. tire get well and we did back to computer room. cos traffic was getting crap, then we got our dinner, and browsing, friendstering again...we've wait till 9 pm.. till cars in parking area move on.. The Traffic was never been like that yesterday, we found out that the road was digged,so they had to stop half of the road... hmmmm...anyway we've got a memorable night...


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